Friday 8 December 2017

A new beginning

I've not blogged as a wargamer for several years. So much so, that when I returned to my old blogs, I couldn't access them! So I've decided on a brand new blog, to document my first forays in the Analogue Painting Challenge: This year it starts, coincidentally, on my birthday (20th Dec) and finishes March 20th, 2018.

I've set a low target, 500 points. I'm hoping to get well over this, but don't want to tempt fate, as there may well be other calls on my time over the same period and I'm very fickle in my painting habits, so may well decide to finish some of the figs I've currently left part painted (so aren't eligible for the Challenge). But I've been trying to decide which 500 points to focus on. As always, I've about five times this number of figures I'm keen to work on, and an even bigger number of possible figs that I'd really like to have finished one day.

So I'll post a summary of what I'm intending a bit closer to the date. Best candidates at the moment. all 28mm, are:

  • ECW, a project I'm just starting,
  • French in Egypt, an exotic project with lots of figures still in the pipeline, mainly for the Brits,
  • Spanish Napoleonic - the Perrys have just begun their range for this theatre, and I know I'll be getting some for Christmas (plan here is for a not-very-historical-but-quite-varied army)
  • Boers and Brits for the Cape Frontier Wars - I've a decent Xhosa army, but not much in the way of opponents
There are, of course, many more projects in various stages of completion: a big Waterloo project (my favourite arena, which I keep returning to); Agincourt - I love the flags; a Sealion/Walmington skirmish; zulus, pirates, Crusades, Frostgrave, Lord of the Rings. And that's not the end of the list.

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