Thursday 10 May 2018

15mm Napoleonics

[UPDATE IN DECEMBER: The post below was made in May, to help a fellow gamer pick figures he wanted to buy. Subsequently, I decided to keep most of the figures he'd not wanted, so these photos now document much of my 15mm Napoleonic collection. It's a rather odd affair now, though it's supplemented by a large 18mm collection of French - the two sets of figures clearly look out of scale against each other, but still might permit quite reasonable battles. At any rate, I plan to paint up much of the unpainted Austrian Minifigs I bought, and see what this offers.]

Here are pix of the Napoleonics I still have for sale. The pictures should be clickable, for expansion. I've placed a number by each item, so they can be identified separately, on the list.

Firstly, Neapolitan army.

Next, Italians:

And finally, Danes:

And miscellaneous command figures:

More command figures:

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